009: We’re going streaking!! How to make new habits easy and fun & get back on track in a heartbeat!

Hey guys!

On today’s podcast we are chatting about how you can make starting a new habit easy and fun, stay accountable and even get back on track after falling off the wagon!

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You can connect with me on insta @habitbabe

or email me at hello@habitbabe.com



007: Morning Routine Chat with Kayleigh Christina!

This episode we’re chatting Daily Habits Chat with Kayleigh Christina!

Talking mourning routine, selfcare, relationships, her 8 pillars of wellness and her skincare story!

You can find her on Instagram @KayleighChristina


And shop her anti aging and anti blemish skincare line at https://clearstemskincare.com

Habit Babes can use discount code: KC10 of their skincare purchase!


A always, it would mean the world to me to hear from you! My instagram is @habitbabe, please reach out and let me know what you thought about the podcast and share it with friends who you think may find the content helpful! If you are really keen, if you could hit subscribe and leave me a review, I would LOVE that so much and really appreciate it!!


Until next time!



Episode 5: My story on becoming a minimalist & 3 tips for you!

This episode covers my story on minimalism:

  • my definition of minimalism
  • the steps I took
  • key takeaways
  • my top tips for you
  • the benefits I’ve found

Special thanks to Milena for sending in minimalism as a podcast topic…

I would love to hear from you!

Please connect with me on instagram: @habitbabe

If you loved this episode please subscribe and leave a review! I would really appreciate it!

The Habit Babe Podcast – Episode 1 – What is The Habit Babe Lifestyle & Methodology?

Welcome to the Habit Babe Podcast with Courtney Schranz, CPC, Certified Professional Coach.

I’m very excited to be finally launching this podcast, starting with episode 1!

As a coach, I help busy, stressed millennials achieve their ideal lifestyle through habits and automating.

This podcast will contain life hacks & brain hacks for productivity, mood, mindset and self care.

The Habit Babe Lifestyle is comprised of three components;

  • the baseline
  • routines
  • projects

Today’s episode will cover the baseline, which I affectionally call the SWAN model.

The SWAN model goes like this:

  • S – Sleep – 8 hours of it
  • W – Water – 3 litres of it
  • A – Activity – 20 minutes of it
  • N – Nutrients – 50% veggies

Take a listen to this episode as we dive into who to get ideal sleep for peak performance and productivity, how to achieve ideal brain function with consuming enough water regularly, how to hack endorphin release in your brain to boost your mood and give you a sense of well being and happiness… the absolute easiest and fastest way using little to no effort, and how to ensure your getting your brain food in!

With these four pieces, you have the baseline you need to conquer stress, busyness and anything your day might throw at you!

If you loved this listen and got value out of it, please subscribe to the podcast, like and leave a review! If you’re really keen, pay it forward and share it with friends and family!

Much appreciated!

Courtney Schranz

My Morning Routine in 5 Steps

What does your ideal morning look like?

Here is what mine looks like…. I thought about it, created it, and now it’s my daily habit. 

1. Wake up to a gentle soothing alarm, drink large cup of water, preferably lemon water. There is a feature in the iPhone alarm settings called bedtime, I use the birds chirping ring tone, it starts very quietly and slowly gets louder and louder, all the while making you feel like you slept in a cabin in the woods and real birds are chirping. It’s glorious, its my favourite way to wake up with an alarm. So soothing, I literally wake up smiling. I keep water beside my bed so when I hear this alarm, I roll over a gulp down a glass worth. Sometimes I’ve added lemon the night before. 

2. Cuddle with my boyfriend for 15 minutes. When my boyfriend sleeps over or I sleep at his place, we always build in cuddle time. So if we need to be up at 6am that morning, we’ll set the birds chirping for 5:45am, roll over for cuddles, and then get up at our second alarm at 6am. Cuddling releases oxytocin, which is also known as the feel-good hormone. “It increases overall happiness,” says psychologist, physical therapist, and author of bestseller A Happy You: Your Ultimate Prescription for Happiness Elizabeth Lombardo. Cuddling releases chemicals, like oxytocin, in the brain that create a sense of well-being and happiness. And if that’s not enough science in favour of cuddling, cuddling can also release endorphins, a pleasure chemical, which contributes to that great feeling. Okay? Morning cuddles people. It’s a game changer. 

3. Walk on the treadmill for 20 minutes, 5 minute stretch & 5 minute mediation. This one is simple. I put my gym clothes on, do downstairs in my condo and walk on the treadmill for 20 minutes. that’s it, no specific speed or incline. Sometimes I do it in silence, with classical music or upbeat music or ever a podcast. It’s also a nice wake-me-up, you get off feeling great! It’s not about the calories burned or any specific fitness goal, its just about getting your body moving and your brain functioning. Then I stretch it out for 5 and sit and meditate for 5. New to mediation? Try the Calm app. The guided meditations are great for those days your mind is full. The whole shabang takes me 31 minutes… including 30 seconds to get to the treadmill and 30 second back up to my condo.  

4. Shower & Primp while sipping morning coffee. My morning showers are about 5 minutes, just about getting clean and feeling refreshed, I do all my timely girly shower things in my evening showers. The primp portion of this is whatever you feel like, body lotion, hair, makeup, etc. I keep it simple personally, but to each their own. 

5. Get dressed, give myself a pep talk & gratitude. I always dress in something I feel empowered and cute in, everyday. Period. At one point my clothes didn’t make me feel that way, so I get new ones. Style changes, looks change, taste changes, make sure your wardrobe changes with it. For me, my “Courtney Classics” include high-waisted midi-length pencil shirt and blouse or a dress with a similar silhouette, paired with a flow trench and classic medium height heels. For a friend of mine, she feels her best most authentic self in jeans and a cute top. To each their own, there is no right or wrong answer, just what you feel confident and yourself in. The last step is the best part, look at yourself in the mirror, tell yourself how much you love yourself, celebrate what you’re good at and think of 3 things to be grateful for. This makes me feel all smiley and happy and ready to rock my day! 

Yours Truly, 

Courtney Schranz