017: Criticism Is Your Friend! How to Handle Criticism From Strangers With Grace & Leverage It To Help You Reach Your Social Goals, Self Care Goals or Weight Loss Goals.

This episode goes against a lot of popular quotes and mindsets online right now, it’s a new take on turning criticism from a negative to a positive!

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Here is how you can connect with me:

Connect on instagram @CourtneyElleSmith

Contact: hello@habitbabe.com

Join Visualization month by clicking here.

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016: How to Shift Your Identity: Stories, Tips & Words from Lori Harder, Tony Robbins & Russell Brand!

This episode shares a different perspective to help you keep your New Years Resolutions, achieve your goals and step into the best version of yourself this year!

Recommended Podcast: Earn Your Happy with Lori Harder, specifically referenced in this episode is her episode 312: How To Shift Your Identity.

If you enjoyed this episode please share it with a friend who would enjoy it too!

Don’t forget to subscribe for good vibes and I would love it if you could scroll down and write a quick review! That would mean so much to me!

Here is how you can connect with me:

Connect on instagram @CourtneyElleSmith

Contact: hello@habitbabe.com

Join Visualization month by clicking here.

Any questions or content suggestions, please write a review on this podcast by scrolling down! 🙂

Thanks for listening,


013: Tips for how to do a habit that you hate! Like working out or anything really!

This episode covers tips on how to do a habit that you hate doing!

These totally apply to anything, working out, running, cooking, cleaning, working, anything!

These tips came to me this week, as I’ve started running again and frankly, I hate it! But I love how I feel after I run and I love who I become when I run on a regular basis, so I’m sharing these practical tips that helped me get in 4 runs this week even though I hated it! LOL!

You’re going to love this episode! We ALL have things we hate doing but love the end result or love who we become when we do it, and that’s exactly what this episode will help you do!

Would love to hear from you guys!

Here is how you can connect with me:

Follow us in insta @HabitBabe

Contact: hello@habitbabe.com

Join Visualize November at: http://habitbabe.com/index.php/all-in-october/

Any questions or content suggestions, please write a review on this podcast by scrolling down! 🙂

Thanks for listening,


010: Self Care Chat with Caitlin of @Actively.Happy, Being Kind to Yourself and Becoming a new mom!

This episode covers a variety of topics, including top health, happy habits that everyone can benefit from, and Cailtin’s kind perspective on self care.

Follow Caitlin on insta @Actively.Happy

Follow us in insta @HabitBabe

Contact: hello@habitbabe.com

Join the Self Care September Challenge at: http://habitbabe.com/index.php/self-care-september/

Any questions or content suggestions, please write a review on this podcast by scrolling down! 🙂

Thanks for listening,


My Morning Routine in 5 Steps

What does your ideal morning look like?

Here is what mine looks like…. I thought about it, created it, and now it’s my daily habit. 

1. Wake up to a gentle soothing alarm, drink large cup of water, preferably lemon water. There is a feature in the iPhone alarm settings called bedtime, I use the birds chirping ring tone, it starts very quietly and slowly gets louder and louder, all the while making you feel like you slept in a cabin in the woods and real birds are chirping. It’s glorious, its my favourite way to wake up with an alarm. So soothing, I literally wake up smiling. I keep water beside my bed so when I hear this alarm, I roll over a gulp down a glass worth. Sometimes I’ve added lemon the night before. 

2. Cuddle with my boyfriend for 15 minutes. When my boyfriend sleeps over or I sleep at his place, we always build in cuddle time. So if we need to be up at 6am that morning, we’ll set the birds chirping for 5:45am, roll over for cuddles, and then get up at our second alarm at 6am. Cuddling releases oxytocin, which is also known as the feel-good hormone. “It increases overall happiness,” says psychologist, physical therapist, and author of bestseller A Happy You: Your Ultimate Prescription for Happiness Elizabeth Lombardo. Cuddling releases chemicals, like oxytocin, in the brain that create a sense of well-being and happiness. And if that’s not enough science in favour of cuddling, cuddling can also release endorphins, a pleasure chemical, which contributes to that great feeling. Okay? Morning cuddles people. It’s a game changer. 

3. Walk on the treadmill for 20 minutes, 5 minute stretch & 5 minute mediation. This one is simple. I put my gym clothes on, do downstairs in my condo and walk on the treadmill for 20 minutes. that’s it, no specific speed or incline. Sometimes I do it in silence, with classical music or upbeat music or ever a podcast. It’s also a nice wake-me-up, you get off feeling great! It’s not about the calories burned or any specific fitness goal, its just about getting your body moving and your brain functioning. Then I stretch it out for 5 and sit and meditate for 5. New to mediation? Try the Calm app. The guided meditations are great for those days your mind is full. The whole shabang takes me 31 minutes… including 30 seconds to get to the treadmill and 30 second back up to my condo.  

4. Shower & Primp while sipping morning coffee. My morning showers are about 5 minutes, just about getting clean and feeling refreshed, I do all my timely girly shower things in my evening showers. The primp portion of this is whatever you feel like, body lotion, hair, makeup, etc. I keep it simple personally, but to each their own. 

5. Get dressed, give myself a pep talk & gratitude. I always dress in something I feel empowered and cute in, everyday. Period. At one point my clothes didn’t make me feel that way, so I get new ones. Style changes, looks change, taste changes, make sure your wardrobe changes with it. For me, my “Courtney Classics” include high-waisted midi-length pencil shirt and blouse or a dress with a similar silhouette, paired with a flow trench and classic medium height heels. For a friend of mine, she feels her best most authentic self in jeans and a cute top. To each their own, there is no right or wrong answer, just what you feel confident and yourself in. The last step is the best part, look at yourself in the mirror, tell yourself how much you love yourself, celebrate what you’re good at and think of 3 things to be grateful for. This makes me feel all smiley and happy and ready to rock my day! 

Yours Truly, 

Courtney Schranz 




Beauty Sleep Habit Tip: Get a Humidifier

Ever since I got a humidifier, my sleep has improved dramatically! On top of great sleep, my skin in also dramatically different.

In the winter, everyone around me is sick all the time, and my throat is dry, I’m dehydrated and my skin gets rough… literally. This winter I purchased this humidifier from amazon and everything changed.

For one, I sleep like a baby. I couldn’t believe it, but I actually sleep more soundly and comfortably. I never wake up in the night thirsty or coughing from dry airways. Also, when I wake up my skin is smooth and supple, not rough and flakey like it usually is in the winter. One more thing, no chapped lips!

All these things considered, the absolute best outcome has been that I have managed to avoid getting sick this whole winter season! I wondered if there was a connection, so I did some research…

A 2013 study showed that increasing humidity levels to 43 percent or above significantly reduced the ability of airborne viruses to cause flu infections from 77%  in a low humidity environment, to only 14% in 43% humidity environment of more. An earlier 2009 study showed similar results, with humidity limiting the transmission of the influenza virus.

So there you have it, get a humidifier for your bedroom for better sleep, better skin and better health!

Who would have thought that getting a humidifier may help you avoid the flu this winter, while giving you softer, more glowing skin, and help you sleep like a baby.


Yours Truly,

Courtney Schranz