017: Criticism Is Your Friend! How to Handle Criticism From Strangers With Grace & Leverage It To Help You Reach Your Social Goals, Self Care Goals or Weight Loss Goals.

This episode goes against a lot of popular quotes and mindsets online right now, it’s a new take on turning criticism from a negative to a positive!

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Don’t forget to subscribe for good vibes and I would love it if you could scroll down and write a quick review! That would mean so much to me!

Here is how you can connect with me:

Connect on instagram @CourtneyElleSmith

Contact: hello@habitbabe.com

Join Visualization month by clicking here.

Any questions or content suggestions, please write a review on this podcast by scrolling down! 🙂

Thanks for listening,


016: How to Shift Your Identity: Stories, Tips & Words from Lori Harder, Tony Robbins & Russell Brand!

This episode shares a different perspective to help you keep your New Years Resolutions, achieve your goals and step into the best version of yourself this year!

Recommended Podcast: Earn Your Happy with Lori Harder, specifically referenced in this episode is her episode 312: How To Shift Your Identity.

If you enjoyed this episode please share it with a friend who would enjoy it too!

Don’t forget to subscribe for good vibes and I would love it if you could scroll down and write a quick review! That would mean so much to me!

Here is how you can connect with me:

Connect on instagram @CourtneyElleSmith

Contact: hello@habitbabe.com

Join Visualization month by clicking here.

Any questions or content suggestions, please write a review on this podcast by scrolling down! 🙂

Thanks for listening,


015: 2019 is here! Do this BEFORE setting any New Years Resolutions!

This brief episode is a super helpful tool to use BEFORE setting or starting a New Years Resolution!

I just wanted to jump on and share what I’m doing differently this new year, and it’s a big part of how I’m feeling so aligned, high vibe and zen this time around!

If you think this episode would help someone else, please share it with them!

Don’t forget to subscribe for good vibes and I would love it if you could write a review!

Here is how you can connect with me:

Follow us in insta @CourtneyElleSmith

Contact: hello@habitbabe.com

Join Visualization month by clicking here.

Any questions or content suggestions, please write a review on this podcast by scrolling down! 🙂

Thanks for listening,


010: Self Care Chat with Caitlin of @Actively.Happy, Being Kind to Yourself and Becoming a new mom!

This episode covers a variety of topics, including top health, happy habits that everyone can benefit from, and Cailtin’s kind perspective on self care.

Follow Caitlin on insta @Actively.Happy

Follow us in insta @HabitBabe

Contact: hello@habitbabe.com

Join the Self Care September Challenge at: http://habitbabe.com/index.php/self-care-september/

Any questions or content suggestions, please write a review on this podcast by scrolling down! 🙂

Thanks for listening,


Self Pep Talks – Way Easier Than you Think

A big personal growth trap is looking externally for what you already have internally. I know this may sound crazy, but you are capable of giving yourself a better pep talk than any other person! And it’s way easier than you think, not to mention not as hockey as it sounds.

Personally, “I am” statements (for example I am beautiful , I am strong, I am talented) aren’t that impact for me, but that’s just me. I need a more narrowed, focused approach to my pep talks. For example, if I’m sore from a personal training session the day before and I wake up knowing I have to do cardio, I might be feeling a little de-motivated. So my pep talk might look something like this:


“Courtney, you love your cute workout outfit, you love your gym, you love your trainer, and you love how you feel after a good workout! You know your goal to run that half marathon in 6 weeks won’t train for itself, that’s all you girlfriend, but remember it gets easier every single time! Every run you run better, faster, stronger! You see and feel the results! It’s only 6 weeks, no biggie, you got this! And as a treat, you can have your favourite vanilla protein shake when you get home! Now play some pump up gym music while you get dressed.. Get it girl!”


See? That wasnt as cheesy and painful sounding as it could have been? It’s more of an internal dialog, A conversation wtih youself.

I love structure, because it’s super easy, so here’s the structure that I use for my pep talks:

  1. The Sunny Side: What do you love about what you are about to do? (even if you’re dreading it)
  2. What’s your Why: Why are you doing it, what’s the goal?
  3. Checkpoint: How will this thing you are about to do get you closer to your goal?
  4. Goodies: What reward can you give yourself after for a job well done? (Who doesn’t like goodies?)


So tell me, did this change your mindset a little on pep talks? Give a try! Let me know what you think!

Yours truly,

Courtney Schranz