The Habit Babe Podcast – Episode 1 – What is The Habit Babe Lifestyle & Methodology?

Welcome to the Habit Babe Podcast with Courtney Schranz, CPC, Certified Professional Coach.

I’m very excited to be finally launching this podcast, starting with episode 1!

As a coach, I help busy, stressed millennials achieve their ideal lifestyle through habits and automating.

This podcast will contain life hacks & brain hacks for productivity, mood, mindset and self care.

The Habit Babe Lifestyle is comprised of three components;

  • the baseline
  • routines
  • projects

Today’s episode will cover the baseline, which I affectionally call the SWAN model.

The SWAN model goes like this:

  • S – Sleep – 8 hours of it
  • W – Water – 3 litres of it
  • A – Activity – 20 minutes of it
  • N – Nutrients – 50% veggies

Take a listen to this episode as we dive into who to get ideal sleep for peak performance and productivity, how to achieve ideal brain function with consuming enough water regularly, how to hack endorphin release in your brain to boost your mood and give you a sense of well being and happiness… the absolute easiest and fastest way using little to no effort, and how to ensure your getting your brain food in!

With these four pieces, you have the baseline you need to conquer stress, busyness and anything your day might throw at you!

If you loved this listen and got value out of it, please subscribe to the podcast, like and leave a review! If you’re really keen, pay it forward and share it with friends and family!

Much appreciated!

Courtney Schranz